Annual farmers’ market in the town of St. Martin of Turiec takes place in autumn. It is a place of town’s community gathering accompanied by harvest celebrations and crop and home product market.

This year’s visual concept works with seasonal fruit and vegetable produce.
The event is promoted through time period starting in July and this is the time when cherries are in high season. The first poster with cherry design was published just in time with the cherries starting to ripen. Same all the other posters were posted according to the actual produce - followed by apricots, cucumbers and finally pears at the time the event took place.

T-shirts and linen bags with the main fruit and vegetable motives were sold as merch. Using quality linen bags and bio cotton to promote the sustainable focus of the event in combination with desirable design led to a big demand on these products.

Other prints:
brochure, business card, memorabilia postcards