Mini Mila
Endless Small Joys
The concept comes with an insight familiar to every fan of sweet indulgence. Every time we indulge, we tell ourselves that now we'll have the very last piece. Even though we know it's not truly the last, and we allow ourselves to have just one more. The campaign idea thus merges human insight with the product itself. Packaging with numerous small wafers caters to everyone who wants to treat themselves to 'something small,' perhaps with their coffee, to bring themselves joy multiple times a day, or to share it with their loved ones.
The key element of the campaign is a television commercial that utilizes the repetition of tasty and enticing shots of Mini Milas. Each shot concludes with a visualization of a woman enjoying her Mini Milas. After what seems like the end with a packshot, the story repeats itself, highlighting additional features. Playing with the apparent end of the advertisement serves a purpose. It lightly mocks the classic advertising format while also communicating the main product benefit. The brand's communication has also shifted into a more premium world and gained several new visual anchors that aid consistency. Whether it's elegance or colors, everything holds together in both the video and visuals.

Kreativní agentura: Triad Prague
Produkce: WeAre Productions
Producent: Michael Šroubek
Režie: Luboš Rezler
Fotografie: Jakub Dohnálek
Retušér: Vojtěch Zikmunda
Account director: Zoran Boškovič
Account manager: Jana Štalmachová
Creative director, senior copywriter: Michal Pivarči
Art director: Michal Dvorský
Graphic designer: Tomáš Hopko
Strategy director: Matúš Ficko